Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Claret and London: Hedonism and claret | The Economist

Claret and London: Hedonism and claret | The Economist:

"How the rise of the British middle classes in the 18th and 19th centuries shaped the wine industry"

Sunday, December 20, 2009 Uncorks iPhone App - Uncorks iPhone App -

Wine Spectator Sets the Industry Standard

Wine Spectator is one of the big wine websites online and surely the top wine authority in the eyes of many.

As written by Scott Clemens at the Wine Business Monthly about wine ratings:
"Today the industry standard is the 100-point scale, inaugurated by the Wine Spectator in the early 1980s...." The Independent Consumer's Guide to Fine Wine The Independent Consumer's Guide to Fine Wine - one of the big wine websites online

Wine Spectator .com (winespeconline) on Twitter

Wine Spectator .com (winespeconline) on Twitter